Minggu, 12 April 2009

Three Columns with Content First

The majority of fresh three-column site designs that have been produced lately have put the content first. By first, I mean they’re locating the content on the far left of the display.

Figure 1.28: Putting content first at Vivabit.com

Although this isn’t really a new idea, it’s been picking up a lot of steam lately in both liquid- and fixed-width site designs. The majority of three-column layouts usually switch to a two-column structure outside the homepage. By placing the content on the left, the transition from three columns to two is more natural, as the content column can simply expand, rather than having to relocate completely. For example, if you visit any of the other main pages of the Vivabit site, the width of the content area seems simply to expand up and to the right when you navigate from the homepage into the site.

See also:

Veerle’s Blog, at http://veerle.duoh.com/

Django, at http://www.djangoproject.com/

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